naval survey

Osmosi verification

“Verification of osmosis” is available for both boat owners and shipyards for vessels which require osmosis treatment in order to eliminate water absorption, and this aims at ensuring that the treatment of the phenomena is carried out correctly and efficiently thus providing a further guarantee for the work delivered.

The first analysis quantifies the extent and nature of the problem, after which, a plan of action for the work required is established. Once sanding is completed, readings are taken of the humidity values ​ in the hull and these are inserted in a table.
This table is updated periodically in order to evaluate the progress of the “drying process” which determines when the protection cycle can start according to the specifications set by the manufacturer.

When operations are finished, “verification of osmosis in boat hulls” provides a detailed report of the work done, from the lifting to the launching of the boat.
The same type of consultancy is offered to shipyards, to certify the quality of operations carried out in the field of osmotic phenomena.
The measurement of humidity values ​​contained within the planking is a standard naval survey that is included in all operations of assessment of the conservation status of a hull made ​​of fiberglass or wood.
Two of the most advanced instruments on the market manufactured by two different companies are used for measurements in order to obtain a double comparison of the humidity values encountered.
For fiberglass, moisture values ​​exceeding certain limits on a laminate free of bubbles (variable according to the instrument used) indicate a potential risk of osmotic phenomenon, while for wood these values indicate the possibility of a degenerative phenomenon in the planking.
The measurement of humidity values ​​in the laminate of glass resin, assumes considerable importance when the hull is subject to treatment for the elimination of osmosis. In fact, being able to trace and update the map of the values ​​of humidity over time helps to determine the appropriate moment to begin restorative treatment, according to the specifications provided by the manufacturer.

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