naval survey

Naval Expertise for Compensation

Partisan naval surveys are mainly used by Solicitors and law courts within the ambit of disputes and naval accidents. During litigation, concerning technical and/or commercial problems, of a Vessel, the Judge may consider it appropriate to obtain additional information to assist him/her, by appointing a Technical Consultant (CTU).

Damage to your boat in the port

In order to defend their rights, the parties involved can appoint a Partisan Technical Consultant (CTP) to draft a partisan naval survey report. The expert will participate in the appraisals together with a technician appointed by the court and provide useful information to facilitate the task of the party’s lawyer in order to conclude the sentence.

Insurance assessments

In addition to partisan naval surveys, insurance assessments are performed. assessing the damages to a vessel, a service offered mainly for Insurance Companies, but also helpful for boat owners in case of legal action.

Damage for sinking

For insurance companies, the purpose of the evaluation is to determine the entity of the damage that occurred due to an “extraordinary event” in order to reach an agreement for functional and aesthetic restoration, and arrive at a valid commercial cost assessment for settlement by the company.

In the event of proceedings, the consultant aims at enforcing the owner’s rights against the party/ies who caused the damage or who must pay compensation for the damage caused.

need compensation for naval accident